If I asked you to 10x your business, how would you do it? A thought exercise.

TLDR: I'm reading this book for the second time and it is blowing my mind (again.) It inspired me to send this to you all as something to think about.


What if you tried to 10x your business, your revenue or your impact?  I want you tor really think about this.  Right now you are probably trying to 2x.  And that's great!  But what if you went for 10x?


What would you do differently?

How would you try and get there?

How would you behave?

And what would you focus on daily in your business?


A topic came up in my Next Level Mastermind yesterday, all around, how do we control our days rather than our days controlling us.  And it got me thinking….So many female founders focus on the wrong things.  We spend our time in a reactive state rather than intentionally taking control.  We react to emails, to pings on our phone, to social likes, to threads notifications, to stripe payments (yay…but like…do we need to stop what we are doing to acknowledge it?)


When we are going for 2x it's hard to know what to focus on.  There are so many ways to get to 2x.  But there are likely only a few ways to get to 10x.  What to focus on becomes easier.


If you are trying to 10x your impact, is the best place to be, constantly refreshing your email?  Or if you already were at 10x would you be checking your sales or page views, or like count every hour?


So today I'll leave you with these qs….

What would you change if I pushed you to 10x your business?  

What would you focus on and how would your day to day change?  


Tell me in the comments. I would love to hear.  I also highly recommend this book.  It's a game changer.


