Transform your Business with

The Mastermind

You set a big goal and we spend 12 weeks together getting you there. In this program I give you the roadmap, the strategies and the support to help you achieve your big goal.

Sept 30 - Dec 16

If you're already making $5k-$15k months and are ready to level up but aren’t sure how to get there, you're in the right place.

You have solidified your business foundations, have some consistent revenue, but you are ready to accelerate your growth and hit those big, audacious goals you’ve been dreaming about.

Let’s take it up a notch.

What can you achieve in 12 weeks? Here are some examples:

Increase monthly revenue by X amount

Grow your email list by 5k

Supercharge your visibility through guest workshops and podcast episodes

Sell out your next cohort of your signature program

Launch a new product offering

Hit 15k followers on IG

You set the exact goal and we sprint to get you there in our 12 weeks together.

Hi, I’m Emily.

I am a three-time founder with over 15 years of experience and a proven track record of success.

I am obsessed with strategy and a pro problem solver.

I move FAST and take action and I am going to help you do the same.

This isn’t just another coaching program. It’s a game-changing mastermind experience designed to propel you to new heights in your business and as a founder.

I would be honored to guide you.

The Nitty Gritty Details

Here is what is included:

  • 60-Minute 1:1 Kick-Off Call: We’ll dive deep into your business, set your big goal, and create a personalized roadmap for the next 12 weeks.

  • 12-Week Personalized Roadmap: A step-by-step plan tailored to your unique business needs and goals.

  • Weekly Group Calls: Every Monday morning, join our group calls for accountability, insights, and inspiration.

  • Slack Community: Get ongoing support, ask questions, and share wins with our vibrant community between calls.

$3500 investment

Why this mastermind?

Founder First: I’m not just a coach; I’ve been in the trenches, scaling companies and overcoming the same challenges you face.

Proven Success: I’ve helped hundreds of female founders grow their businesses and make more money.

Dedicated Support: I’m committed to giving my all to my clients and ensuring you achieve your goals.

Wondering if this is right for you?

How far along in business do I need to be?

Preferably over $5k months OR you have extensive business experience before building this business. If you are under $5k and don’t have that experience, my Co Founders Lab program may be a better fit.

What type of founder is best?

I don’t care what type of founder you are, product or service etc. What I care about is where you are headed. Are you ready to feel lit up by your business? Are you wanting to get out of your comfort zone and create BIG things? Are you motivated to show up, to share authentically and to build close bonds with the others in the group? If yes, then you are in the right spot.

What will the calls consist of?

The group coaching calls will be 60-90 minutes (depending on group #s.). We will go around to each person and touch on their challenges/their businesses and what they are working on. I will live coach, strategize and help you work through roadblocks. All of these calls will be geared towards us achieving the goals we set together on our 1:1 calls.

What if I can’t make a call?

Calls will be recorded.

Don’t Wait – Let’s make your big goals happen before the end of the year.

Spaces are limited to ensure you get the best support possible. Take action today and join the mastermind that will change the trajectory of your business. Once you sign up you can book your 1:1 session as soon as you would like.